Monday, May 3, 2010

For or Against?

i decided that ive really began liking the kids book of mormon blog ive recently made. however that and facebook just arent enough for me :) so, ive decided to make a more personal one. my life is constantly full of thoughts. i drive a lot since i live in oak grove creating some quiet time to be with my thoughts. i have such a testimony of Gods love for me in the past year. i want the very best for myself and my child. i want us to please Jesus and remain on a straight and narrow path. but, at times feel that some think i am overdoing it. overdoing church. i have finally come to an understand of my one true purpose. to work my way back to God. thats really all. i have a scriptural job as a mother to teach my child all that i can and prepare him for when he makes his own decisions. how can this be overdoing it when this is our only job??? so, im going to just be writing random things to clear my head as it is always full. the title Wild Honey and Locusts, while also scriptural, means just how it sounds. Wild Honey is sweet and pure like God's love. Locusts are hissing, ugly creatures like the devil. While some things seem grey, if we choose to look close enough, we can see them as Wild Honey or Locusts. Is this for God, or against. I also have lots of thoughts about amoral things. Television, Music, Food, Activities. Things that have no morals are not to be blamed for our actions. We choose how to react to them. I suppose this is a good starter. Let me know your thoughts!


  1. I have been on a few white water rafting trips. Often the rubber boat fills with water making it sluggish and slow to respond. We were always instructed to bail the water out of our partially capsized raft. I remember well, one of the instructions given by one of the rafting guides. "You can't bail too much!" or pray too much, or love too much, or get too much church. We will never earn what He has given... and we should never stop trying.

  2. Great example thanks! Always working toward an impossible to complete goal. Like a video game (which i think is a waste of time)with a million levels. Always something longer and harder to get thru the next time. I like the raft example because its "sink or swim". You have a choice to sit there and die or fight and live.

  3. I think it's pretty clear that we can never overdo it spiritually. As long as we are on a path God prepared and not one we have chosen, but profess is his. The scriptures are full of examples of perseverance and continual self improvement. Not a one of is is perfect like Christ yet we are told to walk in his footsteps. I'm pretty sure we can never try to hard, or overdo it when trying to be more like him.
